Friday 24 July 2009

Playing around

I'm getting bored of this archiving stuff but unfortunately I'm set to finish it until I may start blogging like normal people do. I only wish I wasn't so stubborn, but I guess that's not likely to happen. When I get something in my head there's no turning it... So I'm posting about zillion posts a day like a madman to be done with it.

I've also been eager to tweak my layout and find interesting gadgets lately. I've come to like my Google Account more and more, it just seems to be working so brilliantly. For instance, I found out that the photos I add to my blog go straigth to an album at Picasa. Nice! I wanted to try to make a slideshow of them, since they were in the web and usable, but although Picasa offers an opportunity to embed a slide show on your site or blog, I couldn't modify it as much as I'd wanted (like the tempo and background). Luckily there are those nice people who create nice thingies for us, and even add good instructions. I found my slideshow here, and this was just what I wanted, a simple code I can modify and, more importantly, instructions on how to make it work and how to modify it. Oh, I'm so over the moon that people like this do exist (and a bit proud that I still remembered how HTML works, it's been a while...).

So, I've realised that I don't want to continue posting just cards and repeating the same stuff about how I made them. Now, if I only knew which way to go with this... we'll see. But I guess there will be some changes coming up.

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